About Us

About Us

Blue Planet Hub

As the world embarks on an ambitious journey to effectively conserve a large portion of its ocean (current discussion on beyond 2020 ocean conservation targets include a target of 30% by 2030), it is evident that new management modalities will have to be established to achieve effectiveness and avoid having a large area of paper parks without achieving conservation outcomes. In such context, it is increasingly agreed that Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs) as well as the private sector will have a key role to play. Therefore, empowering these actors and creating the enabling frameworks for them to engage effectively in marine and costal conservation and sustainable use is of paramount importance.

In order to support such development, IUCN has taken the initiative to establish a web portal that will aim at responding to the need of the region and its partners to support the development of a sustainable, inclusive and resilient blue economy where marine and coastal conservation constitute of its key pillar. This initiative, called the Blue Planet Hub (BPH), will catalyse knowledge production and capacity building efforts in the region to enhance effective marine and coastal conservation at scale. It will create an easy access to relevant data, publications and tools to enable sound, effective and informed decision-making and enhance management effectiveness and governance from field managers up to high-level decision makers at national and regional levels.

Blue Planet Hub aims at supporting MPA managers and practitioners by catalysing resources related to

  • New technologies that could enable more effective and efficient management.
  • Funding opportunities relevant to partners
  • Innovative business models (including related to MPA/LMMA business model development) that could support the development and implementation of a blue economy.

Our Objective


To create a collaborative platform that will play an instrumental
role in advocating for:

The need to increase the MPA/LMMA coverage (and commit to ambitious post-2020 CBD targets). The platform will help in guiding ways and modalities on how to achieve such targets.

The need to have a whole ocean approach, or an integrated seascape approach at more local levels, and which modalities could support such objective.

The need to improve MPA/LMMA management effectiveness, governance and conservation outcomes and will showcase existing tools, methodologies, approaches, case studies, etc.

The need to develop sustainable financing mechanism and explore currently available options as well as prospective ones.

Principal Audience


To create a collaborative platform that will play an instrumental
role in advocating for:

Policy makers and decision makers including MSP development and implementation committees
Private Sector (in particular targeting info/resources that would address tools and approaches to support sustainability, inclusivity and resilience through their operation at seascape level)
MPA/LMMA practitioners, Research institutions and the academia

Sponsors and Partners


Donors, Supporters & Implementing Partners

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